The auto keys feature lets you define keys, that Soundpad will press automatically, when you play a sound. So, you can play a game and let Soundpad press the Push-To-Talk key for you.
You can configure auto keys at File ▶ Preferences ▶ Hotkeys ▶ Auto Keys.
Auto keys are really powerful and in some situations they can even be dangerous. Therefore, you should take some time and configure the conditions as strictly as possible.
You'll find below window at File ▶ Preferences ▶ Hotkeys ▶ Auto Keys ▶ Add.
It's a general switch to enable or disable an auto key.
You can also switch an auto key from the status bar of the main window by left-clicking or right-clicking on .This condition is turned on by default, thereby auto keys are only pressed when you play sounds by hotkey.
You can uncheck this option for each auto key separately if you want the auto key to also be pressed when you play a sound from the user interface, e.g. by double-click or from the toolbar.
You can choose between press and hold and press before and after.
When you play a sound, the specified key is pressed and kept pressed. As soon as the sound has been fully played, or you stop the playback, the key is released.
When you play a sound, the specified key is pressed and released before the sound starts to play. As soon as the sound has been fully played, or you stop the playback, the key is pressed and released again. To make it more human-like and reliable, there is a short delay between press and release.
When you play a sound and the above conditions are met, then the key is always pressed.
When you play a sound, the key is only pressed if the foreground application is running in fullscreen mode. This also applies for games, that are displayed in a fullscreen borderless window.
After choosing this option, you'll see a list, where you can add applications. The key will only be pressed if at least one of these applications is running.
When you choose this option, you will see a list, where you can add applications. The key will only be pressed if one of these applications is the active foreground application at the moment, you play a sound.
Here are some examples to show, how auto keys can be used in real scenarios.
In the game itself, you need to set a
simple key
as the Push-to-Talk key, e.g.
Then configure the auto key like below:
Set a key to mute/unmute yourself in the voice application, e.g.
Then configure the auto key like below:
This is a combination of the first two scenarios. Add an auto key entry like shown in Scenario 1 and another entry like shown in Scenario 2.
After applying the preferences, you'll see both entries in the status bar of the main window by left-clicking or right-clicking on .You can disable or enabled all auto keys in different ways: